Our Businesses

A world-class, diversified global business

As long-term, active investors, we have deep expertise in sectors that are fundamental to society’s long-term prosperity. We run our businesses through four main units: L1 Energy, L1 Health, L1 Technology, L1 Retail. These units are supported by L1 Treasury, who manage our liquidity. Whether through minority holdings or full ownership, we hope to grow firms that deliver for the future needs of society. L1 has clear investment priorities focused on the future that set us apart from others.

Our Firm

We’re actively targeting, supporting and investing in the development of sustainable mining businesses producing Future Critical Minerals

Lionhead Resources

With a combined 200+ years of experience in the natural resources sector, the principals of LHR and our senior advisors have extensive experience and expertise across the metals and mining sector.

Lionhead Resources

Lionhead Growth

LHR’s investment philosophy is centred on delivering long-term, sustainable returns while making a positive impact on both the companies in which we invest and the communities in which they operate.

Lionhead Growth

Lionhead Real Estate

LHR believes that strong corporate governance, the assessment and enhancement of ESG factors and the management of sustainability risks is vital to maintaining a social license to operate in the mining and metals sector.